Thursday, June 07, 2012


I have the stomach flu... it's been going around at work. But I'm at that point now where I can't tell if I'm queasy or hungry.

It hasn't kept me from occasionally going out to the garden. There were tomatoes to plant and things to be watered.

I'm green, and so are the plants.

Last night I loaded up on Gravol and took in the Vinyl Cafe in Port Hope at the Capitol Theatre... I can now check another thing off my life list. What a great show.
AND the tickets were free! The Clown and I won the tickets on facebook.


Mama Nev said...

Ah, so you are feeling better now? I hope so! There are so many "ills" lurking around every corner as we go about our daily lives, so unsuspectingly! ...and WHAM, there they are catching us so totally off guard! ...but we will triumph, even if that means suppressing them with a healthy dose of Gravol! Glad you were able to see the show, my co-worker was there too and quite enjoyed it!
She was saying they recorded the show that evening ...and you were there! Coooooool!
Take care Lesley! xo

Deb Reynolds said...

The clown, she chuckles.