Thursday, January 08, 2009

eye spy. sometimes.

SO the craziest thing happened the other day at rehearsal ...
(don't worry I went to the doctor)

I was sitting during break talking to people when it started. I looked out at the window behind the person I was talking to- and got a "sun spot" in my vision- the kind you get after a flash goes off... I didn't think much about it, the room was a little dark, and the sun was pretty bright outside- my friend was backlit. But it didn't go away. and it was annoying.
And it just kept getting worse.
To the point that I was wiggling my head around to see my friend's face.. pieces of it were "missing". 
Then we were called back to practice- thankfully- a sitting portion of the day... sitting and singing.. that's my favourite... that and watching Woof dance to "Coloured Spade". ...
Anyway, we're sitting... we're singing... but not seeing. 
seriously. Half of my vision was gone in half my right eye. 
I could see colour, but no shape. The top quarter had movement, the bottom... none. and I couldn't see out of the very furthest corner of my eye.
and 5 mins later... it was gone.
I could see
there was no after effect
no pain
just my singing buddy beside me saying "I'm taking you to the hospital".

I didn't go to the hospital, if it had lasted one min longer I was planning on going. Actually no. I was thinking about all the possible things that could be going on in my eye... and then about how messy my room was. and who was going to feed the bunnies if I was having a stroke... then I started to think about needing to go to the hospital.. and then my vision came back.

Stay tuned to find out what my new Opthamologist thinks is going on.
(blood pressure normal and the vampires took lots and lots of blood)


Percipia said...

Wow. Praying for you.

Ever had migraines? They do weird things to vision and sometimes there's no pain.

megsheff said...

EVERY time I almost get hit by a car crossing the street or I start to get hypochondria, I worry about how messy my bedroom is. Let's make a deal that if one of us faces an untimely death, it'll be the other and NOONE else who enters the portal of filth.