Tuesday, July 15, 2008

OK... are you serious?

No, really? Is this for real? 

So I was thinking about how many hours I've been spending online- trying to decide who to get worms from (as I want to boost my bin) and just in general looking for other folks who are doing what I'm doing.. to talk thru some wormy things. And... adding up the numbers.... I was getting embarrassed

People at work, and friends are starting to roll their eyes at me.

Last night, I was getting out to my car to go to the store, but saw Friendly Neighbour T (FNT) watering his plants, so I decided to stop for a second and let him know about the break in the other night. He warned me about a family of skunks that had taken up residence under the other neighbour's shed... 
Now.. did I mention he was watering his plants with Coke? A large two liter bottle of Coke.
As I turned to leave, I took a closer look at his Coke bottle... it looked suspicious. 
On a whim... I say "feeding some worm tea to the plants?" 
FNT's eyebrows SHOT up. But, in FNT fashion, calmly and slowly said "yup."
Shocked unto death I croak out "are you serious?"
FNT : "yup"
Me: did you buy it in town?
FNT: nope
FNT: yup
Me (croaking more): are you serious????
FNT: yup (but laughing now)

... THe conversation continued, turns out FNT has been verimicomposting his kitchen scraps for about 3 years- he's got one active bin, and five bins of castings... we chatted for a little bit, but I had to get going, we parted- me smiling my frickin' face off, FNT simply smiling (but more animated then I've ever seen him).

When I got back from my outing, he and his wife were out on the front porch... watching the world go by... that's what people do in this neighbourhood. I hear from the porch (FNT's wife) call out "I hear you want some worms? take them all!".
FNT just laughs.

What are the frickin odds?
we're going to have to get together for some worm chats.

1 comment:

Deb Cushman said...

It kinda figures, doesn't it? We often look elsewhere when what we want is right next door. (I think Confuscious said that -- or something similar!)