Wednesday, May 07, 2008

mmmm, stew

Tonight's menu?


I burnt some of my green babies out on the sun porch. A little too much sun I guess after several days of grey. Planning on starting my next batch of green babies this weekend... it's still awhile till they can be in the ground.... brrrrrr.


The Bunns said...

Gads ... stay away for a day and now I'm lost. BBQ or stew? Either way, it means it is not hot out, so the greens can go back out unless it is too greay and cold! But dinner sounds fine!

My little seedlings must stay in at least another week ... it just is too cold out and no end in sight.

RG said...

Oh those rascal bunnies, setting me up to use their login like that ... wicked, that is what they are ...

LStew said...

i almost got mad at you for putting one of my email addresses in this post.