Friday, March 28, 2008

anger management? (or) an eyeroll sort of day

Ok, so this week for work we've been sitting in on a two part session on dealing with conflict. Most of it was "feel good about yourself" regurgitation from Oprah and Dr.Phil ... (I'm not so much a fan)

When our break started, our ED came to the door and motioned for me to follow her... a co worker giggled and asked me if I was going to be ok (a running joke about my feeling like I'm being called to the principals office). I rolled my eyes and headed out.

And then I saw her.... A woman that I've had to deal with for work... a woman who's not the easiest to get along with... standing in the hallway. (This woman doesn't work there, I've just been working "alongside" her for a bit).
Not only was she standing in the hallway... she was fogging all the windows in the building with the steam coming from her ears, and the flames shooting from her eyes.

I took a deep breath and followed her into the meeting room...
thankful I had the upper hand....

Because I was fresh from the "dealing with conflict" course.

(insert eyeroll here)


RG said...

All I remember from such a course is to say ... "I see something has made you very upset. Can you tell me again what that was?"

Then get the hell away!!!!!!!!

L.Bo Marie said...

lol.... seriously!