Thursday, January 10, 2008

80, great.

The past few days I'd taken to writing a letter each morning and carrying it in my pocket. It started out "Dear Officer, if you've pulled me over then what they say about Murphy's law must be true."
From there it went on to say that I planned on purchasing my stickers for my car plates on yesterday's date.. the first date I'd have off work in time to get to the licensing place... errr.. the first date since I remembered (last week) that I needed to get new stickers.
Thankfully, I didn't have to get the letter out of my pocket, I was never pulled over.

Yesterday I got to the mall on time, only to discover something odd. Remember that time the thieves broke into my car, and hurt my feelings by not stealing my CDs? The cops wouldn't take a report as nothing was stolen.... I discovered yesterday that in fact... they had taken my car registration papers.
So, not only was I driving with an expired sticker... but I didn't own my car.

What did I do?

I got the hic-ups.

Then I went and requested new owners papers, stickers, and a change of address on my licence.

All was well with the world again, I hurriedly stopped for some groceries, then trotted off to my car. Bags in each hand, I wiped the dirt off the spot on my car's plates and proceeded to stick the sticker on..... upside down. Luckily, I caught myself just as I was sticking it on, and only the very corner of the sticker had touched the plate... I slowly pulled it back... and voila!
Ripped the sticker in half.

My plates now hold a sticker for the year "80 CED", ripped down the middle and pieced back together .



T said...

haha...oh Lesley...that's too funny. Oh well I'm sure if you get pulled over and the office looks at it will have a good laugh. Besides...1980 was a great year!

RG said...

I see a lot of them like that!

Good you are not rotting in jail!