Friday, November 16, 2007


I've been in a mild state of panic since Monday... not that you'd notice in amongst the other quirky bits that make me...uh... me.
But last night it reached the point that I had to do something about it.
My camera was missing.
I know I had it on Sunday night (as I processed "monday bunday"... and modified the time stamp to make it look like I actually had gotten up at some ungodly time in the morning, early enough to be fully dressed and ready to go to work- and still have time to blog) (HA!). But after that... it's whereabouts were a mystery!
I knew I'd tried to fit a book into my pretty little leather purse without too much success, the flashlight had taken up too much room... the flashlight was now sitting on the floor in my room, and the book eventually came with me to work. Did I take the camera out then?
Did I toss it into my purse as it sat by my desk at work? Had I been showing someone pictures and forgotten to put it away?
All the places that I've (previously) found it were coming up empty.
I even started making phone calls!
Until last night.
When I crawled into my bed... and found it nestled beside a pair of socks under the covers.

time to clean my room.

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