Friday, July 14, 2006


After another incredibly frustrating encounter... I've resolved a few things in my mind.
The first of which is that I will not be speaking to her again in person without a third, impartial, party there to mediate the conversation, because no matter how slowly, matter of factly and without emotion I speak in response to her pointing, yelling and intimidation tactics... she freaks then tells me that I am "throwing issues in her face".
Secondly... She needs someone to be her friend. She needs someone to go vent to. I've apologized for the confusion of the other night.. -I will only act on information that I've been given.. I'm not a mind reader. (That was her problem) But I will no longer be the person she is venting at. I had a boss like that once, who confused the lines of correcting a situation with venting their own anger issues... That's what she's doing. And it's manipulation.
Thirdly she is psycho.


Crilly said...

Just curious.
What are the chances that Mrs. Whatzername somehow stumbles across your little blog here?

I'm just saying that if I were to talk less than angelically about someone, I'd do it under that guise of someone else.

ie. "That Dan. Boy, does he prattle on" ~Rebecca told me yesterday.
See? I didn't just say that.
Rebecca did.


L.Bo Marie said...

I don't think I've mentioned her name anywhere, but if she were to stumble on this, it's all things that, given the chance, I'd say to her. Unfortunatly when she comes to "have a meeting with me" she spends the whole time yelling and not letting me interject. Hence the need for a third, impartial, mediator.
But thanks for the reminder, I'll continue to only say things I would say directly to her.