Tuesday, March 14, 2006

spring WAS in the air

... and now in it's place are snow flakes.
This is the most bizarre time of year... really. I remember working the March Break camp at Maple Creek, I think I did 9 years of winter camps (not in a row), and not one was predictable. I remember my first year, we started a day late, the camp was snowed in, no one could get there. Then next year we had no snow, just mud, but it was really cold. Then there was another year where we had to stay for two extra days because we got snowed in... the next one we wore shorts. The poor horses... so winter hairy in the heat! Or worse! having shed their coats early and being covered in those icicles

But there's one constant... spring fever.
it hits in march.
and it's contagious.. have you noticed that?


Nixie's Mom said...

I definatly can tell that spring is in the air...both our bunnies are making so much noise in the shop ... they are getting anxious to get back outside into their larger outdoor cage. Norty P. must sense something coming too!

Anonymous said...

It's more like "Spring Flu" ... What's with everyone being sick all of a sudden???


** swewqpzo **