Wednesday, March 01, 2006


it seems I missed a few things when I filled out that form the other day... ok, maybe I didn't miss them, maybe I just can't remember what it was that I was so excited to post this morning- so excited that by the time I got home tonight it was gone!

4 places I'd rather be...

1) on a lake
2) on a horse
3) overseas
4) either sheltervalley or anywhere northwest.

4 pets I've owned and how they eventually died

1) Bubbles (the turtle) - got all soft and squishy... I don't know if he really was dead when I flushed him
2) hampster (that was his name... not to be confused with the hampster named "what dog" also a pet I owned) - he used to make alot of noise at night, and it got to the point that I couldn't sleep... so I put him in the closet in the spare room... I remembered him a week later.
3) Sonny (the beater pony) - one of those ponies you could do anything with, while not technically mine (he was owned by an old lady who rescued him from the dog food company- I just took him with me to camp each summer and played with him) - he had this "cute" trick (read:: horrid trick someone taught him) where he would lift his leg and beg for treats... he stuck his leg thru a wire fence begging for treats from the passing cars... we had to put him down, the leg was shredded.
4) Pinecone (the rabbit)- he got old.

4 annoying habits that drive me nuts

1) use of a tag line at the end of every utterance ( I had a girl guide leader who followed every sentence with "and that")
2) people who eat with their mouths open... I'm fine with talking with food... just.. close between the conversation please
3) "pick and look" (the nose.... gross)
4) hmm, have to think about that one

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