Tuesday, August 02, 2005

ok, as promised our "Happy Harem" (Man, Crilly, Boi), unfortunately or rather... Fortunately? it's only my own computer at home that is possessed and causes pictures to blow up... so no more fat sleeping chicks... sorry guys. (I know you wanted to see that again!)



Amanda said...

practically perfect in every way... just like Mary Poppins!! Notice the hand? eh? eh? eh?

L.Bo Marie said...

lol.... notice BOTH hands???? player!

Amanda said...

we've got it going on for sure!

L.Bo Marie said...

he's got somethin' goin on!!!!
Man... we're friggin hot!

T said...

This picture raises a few issues:

1. why does it look like manda is snarling?

2. I agree with hopkings...what are you doing with that camera manda?

3. how come manda is doing some model-esque pose while boi is JUST standing there? I think you missed the boat on that one boi

4. I'm still waiting for the before and after pic...

5. why are the first 4 comments by manda & boi?

6. keep up the good work Crilly

L.Bo Marie said...

1) Man is about to hic-up
2)she liked her shoes, need a pic to rememeber them by
3) I'm not a model
4)the before pic will NOT be returning
5) it's called a conversation
6)he's just lucky his bro didn't show up that night.

Crilly said...

The real answer to #6, is that of the three in the picture, the guy in the middle is the lucky one.

And what is your answer suppose to mean 'l.bo'?? You think my brother has a better way with the ladies?

L.Bo Marie said...

awww, buddy.... no, I was just thinkin it was lucky for you that you didn't have to share with him!

hey... why don't my other posts gather all these comments?

Crilly said...

Well, the easy answer to that one is, How many of your other posts include me? ;)

L.Bo Marie said...

Crilly- TRUTH!!!! maybe I need to start mentioning you in each and every post.. just to get audience participation... might work
ummm, don't think you made it to other posts in this blog..sorry!

BUT I sure as heck wish I'd been there to see you reading the earlier comments.. LOL how many shades of red did you turn?

Amanda said...

i'm pretty sure the amount of commenting on this page has nothing to do with crilly.... really everyone keeps coming back to coment boi because you and i are sooo incrediably hot and they just need another peak at us and that's the truth.