Wednesday, May 11, 2005

absolute zero

(sorry my spell check is down today)

Scott had the greatest anlogy this week at church.
It was a tough topic.. and probably not the greatest timing in the world. But an EXCELLENT job done.... the whole message had me wanting more, left me feeling challenged, answered some questions and raised new ones in my mind. Too bad we ran out of time, the question and answer period was getting really good.
Our topic for mother's day sunday?
Part two in a series entitled "Tough Questions: A friend of mine asked m; is there life after death" (Last week I heard Aaron speaking on "tough questions: A friend of mine told me the Bible contradicts itself")
So yeah, Scott gets all warmed up to his topic... then realizes... shoot, it's mother's day... does a quick apology to those of us who may be having a rough time of it (having lost various loved ones) then dives back in.... good guy, get on with it! I did apreciate it, I don't know that I would have delt with a mushy tribute very well...
Anyway, the part that grabbed at me (made me want to set up on the closest street corner and evangilize the town) was when he was talking about absolute zero.
There's no such thing as cold, just the absence of heat.
The less heat applied/exposed, the cooler it feels.
As the temperature drops it reflects the absnce of heat in a place.
We've heard of absolute zero
~The theoretical temperature at which substances possess no thermal energy, equal to -273.15°C, or -459.67°F.

When people choose to spend their lives apart from God, they move from being in His presence... At death, they've in esscence chosen to spend eternity away from Him.. they've rejected Him, they reject the things of Him.
Heaven is spent in God's presence.... (ohh, let's not dwell to long on that thought... I get too excited!) Hell is spent away from His presence. Absolute Zero~ possessing nothing of God... that means spending time in absolute zero of His attributes!
What is God? Even just looking at the TINIEST definition of Him made me start weeping! God is Love... what is love? Love is peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, self control.... that's spending eternity away from ALL those things ... *whew*
that's scarey.
I hadn't thought of all those things that people would choose to be apart from... makes the "hellfire and brimstone" version a picnic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goofed up don't know where other commments are but if you find them they are for this particular entry.