Tuesday, January 04, 2005

no frogs

and no princes either...

But, New Years eve was lovely.

and everyone was beautiful *sigh* I wish we could dress up like that every day!

I was walking down the street with Mr.C (from work) and he says
"that's a big bus lady. someone left their bus at the side of the road."
I look at the bus and don't really think anything of it.
Until we get a little closer and I see that the destination sign at the front says "God loves you". Then, from out of the library this black guy runs onto the bus and I think to myself... "hmmm, that man is strangely familiar".... it was Tim Mowgaza!
Watoto is in town!

I waved madly at the bus and it passed me. But a few moments later itstarted backing up, and Tim and Penny both hopped off the bus. This should be an interesting week.

1 comment:

LStew said...

thats awesome!