Tuesday, June 29, 2004

not a rant, a purpose

so, i've decided that by not having internet at home-this whole updating the blog is a little difficult. but you'll all be happy to know that i do really have a computer in my possession now, old as it may be, it's functioning and that's all that's necessary.
today i called doug lindsay (one of the awesome wycliffe dudes in toronto) about looking into ticket costs for togo. lol, in writing this i just remembered that i was to email him tonight with some info... consider it done.
i have to admit that i really haven't been as organized as i have been in the past. however, this time it's alot different. it's like a "create your own adventure" book. instead of everything being layed out for me, an agenda handed over, or even a list of "do's and don'ts in your preparation", i'm to figure it all out on my own. which is probably good, because i know i tend to lean pretty heavily on my supports, something like this is really going to streach me. if i was given a list i'd just plod right through it and give no thought to the workings, or even my purpose in going.
hey les, what is the purpose of this trip? you never did say.

well well, let me let you in on the details!
I LOVE JESUS, I love to tell people about Jesus, I love to travel, and I love to enable people to reach their full potential.... that pretty much sums me up right there... ok, you can add in that I can be a real cranky pants at times, and... ok, well lets not go into the workings of me too much right here right now. Anyway, those are my passions, so missions are something that I've become pretty passionate about. For awhile now I've been in contact with a pretty cool family (Rose and Roy Tibbit) in Ptbo, who have been putting a bug in my ear about Wycliffe Bible Translators... not too long ago I really felt God was putting on my heart that I should be getting active again in short term projects, so I called up Rose and explained what was on my heart.
I want to be able to serve in a capacity that will enable people who are trained for a certain job... to do their job! I don't want to be a "make work project" (that's been my mantra for a few months now) I don't want to go somewhere, take the full time missionaries away from their job while they spend time training me to do a job that they could do ten times faster on their own, just to have me leave as I start to catch on... and yes, there are good intentions out there from people who want "hands on, make a difference in the field right now". But really, it's a lot of stress on the full timers, and it can take up a lot of their MUCH sought after time! Instead, I want to do the ho-hum, doldrums work that I can just pick up and run with, or anything that is tying up the missionaries keeping them from completing the most pressing tasks... filing? tutoring? licking envelopes? answering the phone? copying data?? I don't really care, as long as it frees them up to get out in the field and do what they are trained to do!!!!
So, that aside, Rose laughed and said "isn't God funny?" and went on to say that she had just received an email (or maybe it was a report from a meeting?) outlining the need for someone to do just that... relieve the load... helping with homeschooling!!! Dude, I have never been a homeschooler, but I knew that I had to get into contact with that family.
getting late, I'll tell you more tommorow.

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